Why Commercial Drivers Use STOP-FYRE®

DOT Approved Fire Extinguisher

STOP-FYRE is the best option when looking for a DOT approved fire extinguisher. Every unit comes with a mounting bracket to securely mount the extinguisher to be readily accessible and a DOT tag to comply with DOT regulations. STOP-FYRE carries a special permit for DOT approval.

No Mess or Corrosion

STOP-FYRE utilizes a cutting-edge clean agent that leaves no mess or corrosion when deployed, making it an ideal choice for truck drivers. In the event of an engine fire, traditional fire extinguishers can create a hazardous situation by leaving behind residues that corrode sensitive electronics and metals, resulting in costly repairs.

No Monthly or Annual Servicing Required to Work

Operating on tight schedules often means there's little time for servicing traditional fire extinguishers. Regular maintenance not only consumes valuable time but also incurs costs for labor and replacement parts. With STOP-FYRE, you avoid these recurring expenses and maintenance hassles altogether. DOT may require monthly and annual inspections to comply with regulations.

Compact and Durable

Traditional fire extinguishers are bulky, breakable, and take up a lot of space in the cab of a machine. 

STOP-FYRE® is made in the USA with parts that are able to withstand the daily life of a farmer. With our compact design, it's easy to store within the cab of a combine, tractor, or any other piece of equipment. We put a Lifetime No-Hassle Guarantee™ on our products because we believe they will last you a lifetime.

  • Kent T.


    I forgot the parking brake on my semi, so when I was going down the route, the hub got really hot starting a fire that expanded to the tire. I stopped right away and used STOP-FYRE to keep the semi from burning up. STOP-FYRE worked great as expected. There was no mess! I didn't lose any important parts, just the tire and that was it.

  • Jesse D.


    Las week Thursday (10/7/21) at 9:42, a truck driver called 911 saying his trailer axle was on fire. Within five minutes, a Dickinson Police Officer and Corporal Wallace from my office arrived. The DPD Officer spent a chemical extinguisher on the flames and Corporal Wallace handed him one of our STOP-FYRE extinguishers. The two of them were able to slow the fire enough that it didn't overtake the trailer prior to the fire department arriving, which wasn't until 12 minutes after the call. This was important with the missing details - the tanker trailer was full of butane and had stopped on Interstate 94 right in the center of the city of Dickinson.

  • Glen M.


    As we traveled on a 4 lane highway we smelled something burning a few miles down the road we came behind a tractor trailer it was dark but we seen fire under his trailer back axle we flagged him down grabbed our STOP-FYRE extinguisher behind the seat ran back and knocked the fire out before the whole trailer burned. We knocked the fire out quickly and had no mess from the fire extinguisher!